Monthly Archives: February 2015

Measles, JCCC Policy, & Student Heath Center

With the media pushing the measles story and being one of the many employees at Johnson County Community College who come in contact with hundreds of students each day — many who may not have had a measles booster — I turned to the JCCC board policies for guidance.

JCCC Student Health PolicyAlright. That doesn’t really help me as an employee.

JCCC Infectious DiseaseJCCC Infectious Disease

Alright so this tells me that if I get sick JCCC can make me go to a doctor they select (and they will pay for it), JCCC can tell people who “need to know” of my illness, if someone refuses to work with me they can (but probably won’t) be disciplined, and if it wants JCCC can fire me for being sick.

It would certainly help if the college had a Student Health Center like it did a few years ago where students and hourly employees like me could drop in with questions or for help finding services. I guess it’s more important to have a building showcasing art that we don’t even own than it is to house a vital service that would benefit every student and employee of the college.

Comments Off on Measles, JCCC Policy, & Student Heath Center

February 3, 2015 · 5:01 pm